The Mettle of the Kettle
The Terrible Teakettle Incident. Sunday morning I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, put the kettle on, prepared the cups, and whilst waiting for the boil, I thought I'd fill my lighter...
Flying Door
(personal account) When I was in the Marines, one evening I showed up for watch duty to find the NCO limping, and covered with dozens of fresh scabs. He was reluctant to reveal what caused his injuries...
Medieval Mayhem
Every summer, the Society for Creative Anachronism holds a two-week-long 'war' in rural Pennsylvania. The event attracts over 10,000 attendees so there's bound to be some potential Darwin Award winners running around...
Shockingly Conductive
When I was in aviation electronics school in the service, my instructor began his class on 'Insulators' with this observation: 'Wood is a non-conductor, right? Well don't you believe it!' He had purchased an a
Pipe Cleaner
January 2010, UK | Oh dear. Yet another man has got his hoo haw stuck in a pipe, taking many delicate maneuvers with a blow torch and metal grinder to cut him loose from the steel, might as well say it, iron maiden...
Anchor Bomb
Shiver me timbers! A man from Logmozero, Karelia, in northwestern Russia, was brought to the attention of police when concerned neighbors realized he was using a World War II aviation bomb as an anchor for his boat...
Hard Science
With Zombies!: Since reading the Zombie Survival Guide, Bub is convinced that the undead will rise up. He cited two facts that I found to be in error. 1) the human skull is one of the hardest surfaces in nature...
Real-Life Frogger FAIL
Pedestrian/car collisions are way too common to win Darwin Awards, yet a video game afficionado nearly became the exception that proves the rule. The 23-year-old was 'hanging out' in the college town of Clems
Skate The Interstate
The Burlington Free Press reported that a man with a suspended driver's license was caught pulling a sled behind his vehicle along Interstate 89. The driver was trying to switch places with the sled rider...
A Little Dinghy
A dear old fellow, 81 and counting, almost shuffled off this mortal coil by rescuing a floating rubbish bin that was as large as his little dinghy! Adrift and wallowing in the ocean, tethered to an enormous rubber b
Alligator River
The East Alligator River in the Northern Territory is crossed at Cahill's Crossing. The river also has two boat ramps, one upstream and one downstrean of Cahill's Crossing. Several years ago a Euro tourist