It used to be, the dumbest thing I ever did was to come out of the kitchen with my hands dripping wet, and reach down to plug in a lamp. I got quite a shock, but the lamp still works. But now there's a new "Dumbest Thing I Ever Did" story.
I was cleaning the greasy range hood over my stove, with a sponge and a bucket of dish soapy water. There I was, scrubbing away, bent partially upside down, when my brother dropped by. He began giving me grief about the improper cleaning method I was using.
I myself was a mess of grime, and my brother sat clean and natty, not lifting a finger, so naturally I became irritated. "How else should I clean it?!"
It turns out that his real concern was the burnt-out light bulb, across which I was sloshing soapy water. The socket was empty, and live.
"Water and electricity don't mix," he said.
I told him, dripping with sarcasm, "Yeah, THAT would be a problem if I were stupid enough to take my wet finger and stick it in the open socket..." which were the last words I heard for five minutes.
I apparently stuck my finger right in the socket... © 1994 - 2020
Submitted by: Kim Brooks Wei